Lead Service Inspections

With the relaxation of many of the COVID related health mandates, Bancroft Clover will be resuming interior inspections of properties which may have lead service lines. The interior inspection is the final verification required to remove a property from the lead service line inventory or; verify the service line is lead and needs to be replaced. If you have a property on W. Ohio Av. W. Mississippi Ave or S. Chase St. and have received a lead service line letter, District staff will be reaching out to you in the near future to schedule an interior inspection. You may also verify the service line material by emailing photos of the service line to the District at support@bancroftclover.com

Photos should be clear, well lit and show where the line first enters the home or business (typically along the street side foundation wall). Please make sure the service line material is clearly visible by removing any paint, insulation or other pipe covering for the photo.