Lake with ducks sitting on top

Rates and Fees

Bancroft-Clover provides both drinking water and sanitary sewer service.

2025 Water & Sewer Rates

Bancroft-Clover uses a multi-tiered rate structure to affordably provide for essential indoor water use and, encourage responsible outdoor use. In addition to variable charges based on water use your bill includes a fixed charge based on the size of your water meter. 

Monthly sewer volume is charged based on your low winter use. In addition to the volume charge, your bill includes a fixed charge based on your customer class.

Inside District

Single Family ResidentialMonthly Consumption (gallons)Rate per 1,000 gallons
Block 10 – 5,000$4.95
Block 26,000 – 12,000$6.21
Block 313,000 – 25,000$7.95
Block 4> 26,000$10.02
Multi-FamilyMonthly Consumption (gallons)Rate per 1,000 gallons
Block 10 – 5,000$5.66
Block 26,000 and greater$7.13
Multiplier (.63 x 5,000 gallons x # of units. Volume rounded to 3,000 per unit)
Small CommercialMonthly Consumption (gallons)Rate per 1,000 gallons
Block 10 – 13,000$5.87
Block 214,000 and greater$7.40
Applies to meter sizes 1″ and smaller
Large CommercialMonthly Consumption (gallons)Rate per 1,000 gallons
Block 10 – 36,000$5.68
Block 237,000 and greater$7.17
Applies to meter sizes 1 1/2 ” and larger

Inside District Water Service Charge

Meter SizeRate per 1,000 gallons
5/8″ & 3/4″$16.01
1 1/2″$21.09

Outside District

Single Family ResidentialMonthly Consumption (gallons)Rate per 1,000 gallons
Block 10 – 5,000$6.18
Block 26,000 – 12,000$7.79
Block 313,000 – 25,000$9.95
Block 4> 26,000$12.55
Small CommercialMonthly Consumption (gallons)Rate per 1,000 gallons
Block 10 – 13,000$6.08
Block 214,000 and greater$7.65
Applies to meter sizes 1″ and smaller
Large CommercialMonthly Consumption (gallons)Rate per 1,000 gallons
Block 10 – 36,000$6.24
Block 237,000 and greater$7.89
Applies to meter sizes 1 1/2 ” and larger

Outside District Water Service Charge

Meter SizeRate per 1,000 gallons
5/8″ & 3/4″$16.25
1 1/2″$21.09

Fire Line Rate

Meter SizeRate per 1,000 gallons

District Sanitary Sewer Charges

Volume ChargesRate per 1,000 gallons
Strong Commercial$10.02
Sanitary Service ChargeMonthly Charge
Strong Commercial$8.08

2024 Water & Sewer Rates

Bancroft-Clover uses a multi-tiered rate structure to affordably provide for essential indoor water use and, encourage responsible outdoor use. In addition to variable charges based on water use your bill includes a fixed charge based on the size of your water meter. 

Monthly sewer volume is charged based on your low winter use. In addition to the volume charge, your bill includes a fixed charge based on your customer class.

Inside District

Single Family ResidentialMonthly Consumption (gallons)Rate per 1,000 gallons
Block 10 – 5,000$4.78
Block 26,000 – 12,000$6.00
Block 313,000 – 25,000$7.68
Block 4> 26,000$9.68
Multi-FamilyMonthly Consumption (gallons)Rate per 1,000 gallons
Block 10 – 5,000$5.47
Block 26,000 and greater$6.89
Multiplier (.63 x 5,000 gallons x # of units. Volume rounded to 3,000 per unit)
Small CommercialMonthly Consumption (gallons)Rate per 1,000 gallons
Block 10 – 13,000$5.67
Block 214,000 and greater$7.15
Applies to meter sizes 1″ and smaller
Large CommercialMonthly Consumption (gallons)Rate per 1,000 gallons
Block 10 – 36,000$5.49
Block 237,000 and greater$6.93
Applies to meter sizes 1 1/2 ” and larger

Inside District Water Service Charge

Meter SizeRate per 1,000 gallons
5/8″ & 3/4″$15.51
1 1/2″$20.38

Outside District

Single Family ResidentialMonthly Consumption (gallons)Rate per 1,000 gallons
Block 10 – 5,000$5.97
Block 26,000 – 12,000$7.53
Block 313,000 – 25,000$9.61
Block 4> 26,000$12.13
Small CommercialMonthly Consumption (gallons)Rate per 1,000 gallons
Block 10 – 13,000$5.87
Block 214,000 and greater$7.39
Applies to meter sizes 1″ and smaller
Large CommercialMonthly Consumption (gallons)Rate per 1,000 gallons
Block 10 – 36,000$6.03
Block 237,000 and greater$7.62
Applies to meter sizes 1 1/2 ” and larger

Outside District Water Service Charge

Meter SizeRate per 1,000 gallons
5/8″ & 3/4″$15.70
1 1/2″$20.38

Fire Line Rate

Meter SizeRate per 1,000 gallons

District Sanitary Sewer Charges

Volume ChargesRate per 1,000 gallons
Strong Commercial$9.69
Sanitary Service ChargeMonthly Charge
Strong Commercial$7.81

Miscellaneous Fees

Bancroft Clover assesses miscellaneous fees for various goods and services we provide which may not be directly related to your monthly billed service. Miscellaneous and Administrative fees are evaluated annually and approved the District’s Board

Administrative Fees

(Effective 2/1/2025

Returned Check / Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF)

The returned check / NSF fee is assessed when a customer’s check, e-check or ACH transaction is returned by a financial institution citing insufficient funds for the payment of district fees or charges

Fee per check: $35.00*

*Includes $20.00 returned check fee and $15.00 processing fee

Lien Fee

All delinquent fees and charges constitute a perpetual lien against the property served by Bancroft-Clover. When delinquent fees exceed $1,000 or no payment has been received by the District in the last 12 months, a lien may be filed with the County Clerk against the property. All delinquent fees, including the Lien Fee must be paid prior to the Lien being released.

Lien fee: $150.00

Annual Contractor License Fee

Contractors doing work within the District must first obtain a contractor’s license from the District. The contractor must submit a current Certificate of Liability Insurance and a current $5,000 surety bond.

Annual contractor’s license fee: $30.00

Delinquent/Non-compliance Turn-off Service

The delinquent/non-compliance turn-off fee is assessed to customers who fail to pay their water or sewer bill or maintain a water service in compliance with District Rules and Regulations. This fee also covers the service turn on after the condition is corrected.

Non-compliance turn off / turn on: $60.00
Delinquent turn off / turn on:$60.00
After hours fee:additional $60.00

Transfer of Title

The transfer of title fee is assessed when a property is changing ownership. The account is reviewed for non-compliance issues, cancelling auto-payment if applicable and any outstanding balance. The final meter reading is collected on the day of closing.

Transfer of title fee: $30.00


Delinquent Penalty Fee

Bancroft-Clover Water and Sanitation assess a penalty on all fees not paid within 5 days of the due date.

Delinquent penalty fee: $7.00

Unauthorized Use

The unauthorized use penalty is assessed when water has been used illegally. This includes:

  • Use of water prior to setting or activating the meter;
  • Meter tampering of any kind;
  • Illegally diverting water or;
  • Tampering with or using a meter that has been locked.
  • Use through a locked or uncertified backflow device
  • Unauthorized use may result in suspension of service.

Unauthorized use fee: $500.00

Unauthorized Hydrant Use

The unauthorized hydrant use penalty is assessed when hydrant water has been used illegally.

Unauthorized hydrant use fee: 1st Violation $500.00

2nd Violation $1,000.00

3rd Violation $1,500.00

Hydrant Fees

Hydrant Use Permit

Bancroft-Clover issues use permits for hydrants within its service area. Hydrants can be used for construction, dust control, cleaning or special events. Permits may be issued for a specified hydrant for a limited period, or they may be issued annually for the use of any District hydrant. Use of District hydrants requires the monthly rental of a District meter.

Hydrant permit deposit:$2,000.00 (Customer owned meter) $3,000.00 (District owned meter)
Monthly hydrant meter rental:$50.00 per month (District owned meter)

Hydrant Meter Water

The hydrant meter water fee is assessed to customers permitted to have metered access to hydrant water. Hydrant water is billed monthly on a 1,000-gallon basis and the permit holder is required to submit meter readings monthly for the duration of the permit.

Fee per 1,000 gallons: $8.10 / kgal

Unauthorized Hydrant Use

The unauthorized hydrant use penalty is assessed when hydrant water has been used illegally.

Unauthorized hydrant use fee:

1st Violation $ 500.00
2nd Violation $1,000.00
3rd Violation $1,500.00


New Collection or Distribution Main Installation

The distribution inspection fee is assessed to developers when Bancroft-Clover staff inspects their collection or distribution main and its connection to Bancroft-Clover’s system. Inspection fees must be paid prior to the preconstruction meeting.

Water main installation:$1.75 per lineal foot $1,000 minimum charge
Sanitary sewer main installation (8-inch and larger):$1.75 per lineal foot $1,000 minimum charge

Service Line Inspections

Bancroft-Clover inspects the installation of new water and sewer service lines.

Water service line (up to 1-inch), Sewer service line (4 and 6-inch), up to 2 trips:$120

Water service line (up to 1-inch, 1 trip):$60
Sewer service line (4 and 6-inch, 1 trip):$60
Service lines over 60 feet:$60 per hour
Additional inspection$60

Large water service lines
1 ½ -inch: $120.00
2-inch: $200.00
3-inch: $260.00
4-inch: $300.00
6-inch: $340.00

Inspections outside of normal operating hours will be charged for additional staff overtime.

Cost per inspection $60.00 /hr. 2 hour minimum

Taps and Meters

Stub Out Fee

To reduce the likelihood of excavating in next streets, Bancroft-Clover allows the installation of a service line stub out. Stub outs consist of: The connection of the service line from the property line to the main for sanitary sewer and; the connection of the service line from the main, to and including an outside meter pit with yoke for a water.

Water stub out: $150.00

Sewer stub out: $150.00

Meter Test Fee

Customers may request that their water meter be tested by an approved third party.

Fee by meter sizeFee
5/8 inch to 2-inch positive displacement meters$75.00
2-inch Turbine$95.00
3-inch Turbine$95.00
6-inch Turbine$275.00

Records and Documents

Paper/Digitized Records, Standard Page

The paper/digitized records standard page fee is assessed to customers requesting one side of a printed page, up to 11 inches by 17 inches, of Bancroft-Clover public records. A postage fee applies for mailed documents.

Paper / digitized records, standard page: $0.25

Paper mailing: actual postage plus $3.00

Paper/Digitized Records Copy, Oversized Page

The paper/digitized records oversized page fee is assessed to customers requesting one side of a printed page, over 11 inches by 17 inches of Bancroft-Clover public records. A postage fee applies for mailed documents.

Paper / digitized records, oversized page: $1.50

Paper mailing: actual postage plus $3.50

Electronic Documents on CD/DVD or flash drive

The electronic document on CD/DVD or flash drive fee is assessed to customers requesting Bancroft-Clover public records on physical storage media.

Copy ECD/DVD or flash drive $7.50

Disk mailing: $3.00 first disk, $1.00 each additional disk.

CORA Research Fees

The Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) requires local governmental entities to make public records available for inspection in accordance with CRS §24-72-201, et seq. The act mandates access to many types of records, but it also provides exemptions based on confidentiality, privilege and security. Research charges for certain CORA requests may apply when researching files for requested information, manipulation of data to generate a record in a form not used by Bancroft-Clover Water & Sanitation District, or redaction of documents containing confidential information. The first hour of research is provided at no charge.

Research fee shall be the maximum allowed by statute: Currently $41.37 per hour