
Start or Change Service

Online Request for Title Companies

Please fill out the online request form below and submit to process request.

If property has already closed, please indicate in the notes. Allow up to 48 hours to complete a transfer of service. All water service transfers will include a $30 charge on the final bill.

Online Request for Landlords/Management Companies

Tenants cannot request service changes; they must be done by the management company or homeowner.

Please allow up to 48 hours to complete a transfer of service. All water service transfers will include a $25 charge on the final bill if one is requested.

In Colorado, water & sewer charges represent a perpetual lien against the property therefore the homeowners name is the only name added to an account. A courtesy copy of the bill can be sent to the property in the name of “Resident” and/or to a management company if requested by the homeowner.  Tenants’ information can be noted on the account for contact details.

To avoid water shut offs, liens, and large bills due to leaks it is recommended that homeowners write the water bill into rent and pay the bill themselves.

If you would like to declare a new tenant to the account, please fill out and submit the form below.