At the meeting on December 11th, 2023, the Bancroft Clover Board adopted new Rates & Fees for 2024.
The rates are designed to fund district operations and maintenance and important capital
projects. Bancroft Clover continues to invest in the repair and replacement of its critical water and
sewer systems so that we can continue to serve you into the future.
The District’s 2024 capital plan includes replacing 2,600 feet of 60-year-old water main in West
Florida Avenue and rehabilitating over 13,000 feet of sewer mains.
The new rates take effect on February 1, 2024. For a typical single-family residence using the same
amount of water as 2023, the typical winter bill will increase $2.50 per month. The typical summer
bill will increase by $5.35 per month.
Bancroft Clover’s Rates and Fees schedules can be found on the back of this page or District
website at